Top 3 reasons employees are more satisfied with individual health insurance

4:10 PM
Top 3 reasons employees are more satisfied with individual health insurance -

three Although many employees with traditional can more familiar groups -Krankenversicherung, there are many benefits for individual health insurance, the staff makes you happier. This article discusses the three most important reasons are why people are happier with individual health insurance instead of group health insurance, and why companies with a premium to reimburse their employees individual health insurance reimbursement plan.

Top 3 Reasons Why Employees are more satisfied with individual health insurance

1. Staff Pick

Individual health insurance offers more choice and control to employees by to choose a plan that meets their own needs, including coverage and network. Employees can decide their own plans to work with their budget. These plans can be adapted to individual circumstances and age.

For example, when a young employee is relatively healthy and on a tight budget, a plan with a lower premium and higher deductible may be the right choice. On the other hand, for those with more healthcare needs, a plan with a higher premium and lower deductible can better plan the.

2. Lower costs

Individual health insurance costs up to 60 percent less than group health insurance. In addition, employees may qualify for premium tax credits, promoted depending on their income, household size and suitability for other state programs.

Since the marketplace the second year of operation occurs, another big health insurance companies enter the marketplace or expanding their presence in the marketplace. For employees, this means from more individual health plans and to choose more competition. This increased competition between insurers will help keeping low in 2015

3. Portability

have, since the individual health insurance selected and acquired by the employee, as car insurance, get their keep health staff when they leave a store. As a result, there is no more need for expensive, short-term insurance options.

top 3 reasons people are not be happier with Group Health Insurance

1. No consumption

a one-size-fits-all plan for employees and their families picking can be a mystery. Since every employee of the family has different financial and healthcare needs, some employees may for reporting too much, they do not pay to use. On the other hand, some cover the employee may not have enough information.

2. Unsustainable costs

The preliminary results of the Mercer National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance found that prices increased by 3.9 percent in 2015-- and that's when the company significant changes to their current plans. In addition, the average annual family premium increased in 2014 to $ 16,834. This is an increase of 26 percent in the last five years and 69 percent in the past decade. These cost increases are not sustainable for companies or employees Family_Coverage_Employee_Contribution

chart :. Kaiser Family Foundation

3. Conditional on Employment

As group health insurance will only be held by the employees of a company, if an employee is terminated, their family lose coverage. The employees have the opportunity to choose in COBRA, although the premiums are often too expensive. This is because the employees usually responsible for the full cost of the insurance premium and the company are the proportion of the premium and a two percent administrative fee.

Pairing a premium reimbursed their employees individual health insurance, a premium refund using reimbursement plan with individual health insurance for optimal employee benefits

Because of all the advantages of the individual health insurance, many companies plan.

may issue this kind of health benefits, the company offers employees a subsidy for health insurance, the employees to purchase individual health insurance. This type of approach is ideal for people who still want to offer benefits for recruitment and retention purposes.

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