Public opinion about market security

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Public opinion about market security -

was humming the audience about the security risks associated with the use of health insurance Marketplace website , Where the market sites safe to use? Could it be more potential security breaches?

According to the latest tracking poll from morning Consult, 54 percent of respondents concerned about vulnerabilities in the market sites Health. The poll was conducted September tracking from 12 to 13 September 2014 The Morning 2188 registered voters on the security of the website nationwide questioned about their opinion Consult. Here are the highlights from September tracking survey

Most Americans are at least somewhat concerned

security_concerns chart :. The Morning Consult

The survey results showed that 54 percent of voters are concerned about security breaches on the health insurance market sites. The gulf between Obama supporters and critics was not significant, with 52 percent of the supporters and 56 percent of critics of security breaches in the area concerned.

Most Americans believe that the information is secure in the marketplace

secure_information Chart: The Morning Consult

on the question of whether they individual personal data intended to the marketplace was sure, a majority (52 percent) of voters that information securely. The reactions between the political party affiliation varies. Less than half (45 percent) of voters who thought identifies itself as an independent, the information was safe, while 66 percent of Democrats and 41 percent of Republicans

A majority of younger voters Online Enrollment prefer

security_online chart: the Morning Consult

voters were asked whether the choice of the application for health insurance online, where, using the phone, or a paper application that they prefer. Not surprisingly, a majority (55 percent) of younger voters (18 to 20 years old) would prefer an online application process. Nearly half of voters over 65 years old preferred process a paper application.

. Read the survey results at The Morning Consult

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