Employer Trends for Cutting health benefits costs in 2015

10:30 AM
Employer Trends for Cutting health benefits costs in 2015 -

penny_pincher With the cost of group health insurance to the rise, many employers cut the cost of health services concentrated. An overwhelming trend in healthcare costs to shift in the control of expenses for employees.

The National Business Group on Health (NBGH) has recently completed a survey of 136 large employers carried out by the health benefit plans and how they plan for their health applications cost reduction for 2015

trend # 1: shift health care costs workers

According to the report are health care benefit costs expected to increase 6.5 percent in 2015 has employer This resulted in their favor deals to rethink and re-evaluate their health benefit costs.

Many employers will offer low-benefit plans. In fact, 81 percent will only offer plans that meet the Affordable Care Act (ACA) test for minimum value and affordability. Although the company meets the requirements for the employer mandate, and to avoid the employee be able to pay the individual joint responsibility fees, these plans, employees will offer little cover and little protection in case of illness.

Make employees to create a potential risk for large medical bills is not the only disadvantage of using this method, health benefits to control costs. Since employers offer this low-benefit plans that will still satisfy the requirements of the ACA justice, they will be disqualified to obtain from their employees for the individual health insurance market access to premium tax credits, where they could get more comprehensive and affordable health insurance.

The trend of employers over shift of healthcare costs for their employees as well as was in other reports. According to a recent survey by Arthur J. Ghallagher & Company, the most popular methods of health benefit cost containment involved increasing employee liability.

  • Increase employee

  • plan contributions increase deductibles [1945008:Infactinthetopwasfouroffivestrategiestoreducethecostshift]

  • increase out-of-pocket maximums

  • increase copayments

  • Change plan carrier

trend # 2: shift to a health plan consumers

another trend health benefits costs in the survey found, for cutting the shift towards a consumer-directed health plan (CDHP ). CDHPs come in various forms, but most often a CDHP means a high deductible health plan with a spending account paired provides for out-of-pocket costs such as an HSA or HRA Integrated.

After NBGH report "the number of employers that employees a consumer-directed health plan (CDHP) as the only health benefit option is expected to surge offer by almost 50 percent in the next year." In fact, the report points out that 57 percent of surveyed employers inform or enhance CDHPs.

Surprisingly, there was a 50 percent increase in the employer, the plan offer a CDHP as their only form of health benefits next year. Nearly one-third (32 percent) of employers plan, this is the only benefit to offer in 2015

Source: National Business Group on Health Services

Trend # 3: shift towards individual health insurance

Although this is not explicitly mentioned in the NBGH report, there are other options and not just the absolute minimum health insurance benefits or other trends of health offer shifting costs to workers. Employers are switching to health insurance funds (also known as "pure health benefits defined contribution"), because this strategy predictable costs for the employer offers, while giving employees access quality health insurance.

spend to provide

By their employees with an allowance on individual health insurance, more comprehensive, less expensive health care to access an employee in a position that corresponds to their individual needs.

health insurance allowances reduce the cost and time, while still recruiting a health benefit for the provision of support and top employees with traditional health insurance.

How to cut your health benefits plan expenditure in 2015? Leave a comment below.

Small Business Guide to Health Insurance Allowances

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