Who can a healthcare reimbursement plan manage?

6:12 PM
Who can a healthcare reimbursement plan manage? -

health reimbursement plans for small and medium businesses an affordable health benefits solution. A frequently asked question by entrepreneurs, HR professionals, CPAs, and broker "who can manage the healthcare reimbursement plan?" administer_a_defined_contribution_health_plan

This article examines the principles of healthcare reimbursement plans and manage the repayment plan in a compliant manner.

Getting a healthcare reimbursement plan you set up?

To a healthcare reimbursement plan set up, employers should set up a formal plan to ensure compliance with the ACA, the IRS, HIPAA and ERISA. A Healthcare Reimbursement Plan (HRP) is a type of § 105 self-insured medical reimbursement plan designed for premium refund. Employers often use a HRP as the basis of "pure" defined contribution health benefits. An HRP is similar to a company expense account for personal health insurance.

Who can manage a healthcare reimbursement plan?

For a company a formal healthcare plan reimbursement (a set with HRP) to manage, they need to have legal plan documents in place. The plans describe the plan of the conditions and to the operation and management of the plan-related conditions.

As a healthcare reimbursement plan under ERISA, a legal plan document must be made available in writing. When a healthcare reimbursement plan without a written plan document is the business of compliance is.

refer In addition to the plan, a company must ensure they have taken certain precautions in order to stay compliant with the IRS, ERISA, HIPAA and ACA. This includes how the plan is set up and configured, and how the plan is administered. use

Because of this compliance reasons and to facilitate the use and saving time as well as all businesses to a third party to manage the health reimbursement plan. There are three options for compatible management: a The traditional third party administrator ( "TPA"), a healthcare reimbursement software provider or a consultant as a CPA or Broker

  1. [1945007th] a Traditional TPA helps a business :, keep receipts on file and issue reimbursements to employees, to create the plan and distribute plan documents set up to manage all matching funds, verification, applications for reimbursement. Traditional TPAs ​​require advance payment of allowances and health care may be limited plan design options and limited online access have

  2. A Healthcare Reimbursement software provider helps a business. Create Set up plan and planning documents to be distributed electronically, offer a "QuickBooks-like" persecution of matching funds, verification, applications for refund, keep receipts on file electronically, and notify the employer (via the software), if an employee on payroll to refund. Healthcare reimbursement software do not require advance payment of allowances, and is not a trustee

  3. A CPA or Broker helps a business. Setting up the plan, create and distribute plan documents, review, applications for refund, keep receipts on file and all matching funds and output to manage reimbursements to employees. CPAs or Brokers often help companies these plans "on the side" and administration may run time-consuming. Many CPA or Brokers end up with a healthcare reimbursement software provider for easier management of the plan and more flexibility in plan design the partnership.

The other way businesses manage occasionally a healthcare reimbursement plan by a local government.

  • self-government: Technically, a company can administer its own § 105 healthcare reimbursement plan itself, but to meet the non-compliance with the minimum federal and ACA requirements for the Administration is common is used without proper healthcare reimbursement software or TPA. Companies manage themselves often made of compliance with ERISA, HIPAA, COBRA, and ACA regulations, and the company can expensive fines for non-compliant to be. And if a company is required to accommodate the adherence to all sets of the guarantees, the administrative costs likely outweigh the benefits of the healthcare reimbursement plan.

Healthcare reimbursement plan compliance

So what the compliance requirements discussed above?

1. Tax Savings & IRS compliance . The IRS requires that a formal healthcare reimbursement plan (§ 105 plan documents) are introduced in order to be deductible for the refund of the tax on the employer, and for pre-tax employee

2. Federal Compliant : the federal government has guidelines for employers who want to contribute to employees of IRS-qualified medical expenses:

  • HIPAA (medical Privacy): employee medical information must be kept HIPAA-protected, and all medical documentation is stored in accordance with HIPAA for 10 years, as required by the IRS for verification purposes. Employers should never find your employee medical information, including details of their premium costs HIPAA remain compliant and non-discriminatory remain

  • ERISA .: Under ERISA are not the employer allows a particular person health insurance to "cheap". If a healthcare offering reimbursement plan, the employer should not know the details of each purchase plans of health insurance of employees. You should only know that it is allowed to be a qualified medical costs by the plan.

3. ACA / Healthcare Reform: The Affordable Care Act is (ACA) were new demands for health care reimbursement plans including how to benefit information presented to the employees (Summary of benefits and coverage or SBC), new reporting forms (720/5500) and new plan design requirements including compliance with PHS 2711 (ban on annual limits) and PHS 2713 (pension).

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Small Business Guide to Section 105 Medical Reimbursement Plans

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