Group health insurance is bad for your business and your career

1:56 PM
Group health insurance is bad for your business and your career -

We have our book The End of employers published offered health insurance that employers discussed the obvious solution to our nation health insurance Leiden - employer-paid individual health insurance. The book is about all major retailers such as and available.

This item is part of an ongoing series of articles about the 10 reasons, group health insurance is Bad for you, your family and your business.

The eighth and ninth grounds group health insurance is bad for you, your family and your business, because it's bad for careers (Your costs could double with a million dollar claim due to an employee), and it is bad for business (management spends a lot of time for health insurance, which should be spent on customers and products).

group health insurance for career bathroom is Group Health Insurance is Bad for Your Business and Your Career

million Americans today there are modern-day slaves either unable to retire early, they do in jobs work do not really want, or working in jobs they do not realize their full potential-all because they need to keep their group health insurance to take care of, a spouse or a child with a chronic illness.

patients with chronic diseases such as depression, cancer or diabetes t ypically by the same medical provider for a long time require maintenance and changing doctors can be very harmful and their wallet their care.

While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affordable individual health insurance has made available to millions of Americans if the employee group coverage switch to an individual policy, it is unlikely that their new health insurance company has a network, the all of their existing suppliers.

Even if an employee takes an individual health insurance network covers their existing health care providers or equivalent replacement covers, it will typically be very expensive to change their insurance company and the network of providers, as described previously

group health insurance is bad for business -. Management spends much time on health insurance that should be spent on customers and products

in our specialized economy today requires success in business that managers and owners concentrate better ways to their customers to use. This ranges from the constantly improving your products and services to find better ways for your customers to get your products and services and pay. No stone can all levers to keep moving when it comes to improving the customer experience.

group health insurance is another hour that you do not spend managing and improving your product or service. Even if your company is large enough to justify a full-time manager of your group health insurance, which is dedicated, with insurance costs health today more than profits for many companies, it is rare that the CEO and CFO of a Fortune 500 company does not spend a lot of hours to manage their health benefits program.

Although they do not know, many employers to manage with no jurisdiction of its group health insurance benefits. So, as you see some of your customers relatively uneducated about how to properly buy and save money on your product or service, you and your manager are similar uneducated when it comes to knowing, is to buy as much group health insurance and how to pay for it. This is because there is virtually no transparency for employers when it comes to their employers manage health benefits program. Everything is covered-from how much their insurance broker makes in commissions and overrides on the various measures they suggest to improve the performance and efficiency of individual medical providers in the plans of the networks.

What is the solution?

you should change to individual health insurance because it is good for careers and business. With an individual plan, people are free to change jobs on what is best for her career, against what is best for their health care, and the management is able to more time focusing on customers and products spend.

I'll go through reason number ten (group health insurance is bad for America) tomorrow.

all products of the series here.

Dowload a Book Sample - The End of Employer-Provided Health Insurance

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