Government Making Sure You can count calories ... Everywhere

5:48 PM
Government Making Sure You can count calories ... Everywhere -

airplane There has been a growing problem in obesity for the last thirty years in America. Now the government is trying to make healthier Americans counting calories.

According to The Wall Street Journal , thousands of businesses that serve food will be needed to allow customers to know how many calories they consume when they buy a food product. This includes places such as trains, airplanes, convenience stores and movie theaters. In fact, it includes all companies that are considered a string by the legislation on the reform of health care.

Sports stadiums are excluded because they aren "t considered a part of a chain. - Leaving a certain disparity between the entertainment companies

The Food and Drug Administration is also considering making calorie information available for salad bars, pizza bars, fine bakeries and grocery stores.

Although the law technically up now, experts believe that many grocery stores will ignore until the penalties started to be seen against them for not complying.

health advocates say the law could go a long way in the fight against obesity if customers take the time to read the calories and make healthy choices in their choice of food. But many believe that the fact of the entertainment and transport industry include caloric index may be going a little too far.

anyway, the fight against obesity and the diseases related to obesity is good. ultimately, the reduction of obesity in America would significantly help lower health insurance costs and save money for everyone.

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