The reform of health care could increase cancer Preventive Screenings

11:54 AM
The reform of health care could increase cancer Preventive Screenings -

doctor breast cancer and colon screenings are a form prevention and can help provide early detection. reform of health care will provide prevention services for people with health insurance in each state. This will be crucial in expanding prevention services because health insurance is a significant difference when people receive projections.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 84 percent of women with health insurance have had breast cancer screening than 56 percent of women without health insurance in the 08 cancer screening breast. remained relatively stable at about 80 percent since 00. many experts believe that the new law on health insurance could help improve those numbers and break the plateau.

The colon cancer screening rates increased 11 percent over the last 8 years to stand at 63 percent in 08. Yet 36 percent of uninsured men go without cancer screening colon.

Provide preventive services without cost to the Americans will really help to improve the number of people using the breast cancer and colon cancer screenings.

The largest number of projections of the breast and the US colon cancer occurs in Massachusetts. The state already has an individual mandate for health insurance and requires residents who do not have health insurance to pay a fine. This coverage has helped to provide colon cancer prevention projections to about 74 percent in Massachusetts.

It is important that Americans are aware of the consequences of not receiving the projections of cancer. The Americans should be aware of the benefits and preventive services that the reform of health care present.

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