Abortion Restrictions fail in the Senate draft law on insurance sickness

9:16 PM
Abortion Restrictions fail in the Senate draft law on insurance sickness -

thumbs down In a vote of 54 -45, the Senate voted against the amendment of Senator Ben Nelson that would restrict any plan paid with federal funds to cover abortions, reported the New York Times .

There were two Republican Senator Olympia Snowe and Sen. Susan Collins, who voted against the amendment of Senator Nelson.

This was a debate that could derail the reform or at least someone left politically marked. But really, it does not look like it was as explosive as we might have thought.

The passionate advocates on both sides of the abortion debate are either in jubilation or anger after today's vote, but he certainly did not derail the health reform process by all means.

Senator Nelson, a Conservative MP in a ruby ​​red state, has its political coverage. Although the amendment failed, he was the one who brought him to the floor. Snowe and Collins are the Republicans of Maine, a state that is one of the bluest.

The House of Representatives has already passed a language that would limit the fully subsidized health insurance coverage for abortions.

But even if the House passed their version, the Senate must still approve the entire bill, and the Senate and the House must combine these two bills.

Then they have to vote for the final invoice, the final health again.

Damn, how can we ever pass any laws?

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