The reform of health care Results One Year Milestone

3:34 PM
The reform of health care Results One Year Milestone -

champagne This week marks the one year anniversary for the reform of health care, but the celebration is quite mixed between supporters and opponents. Many Americans have not changed my opinion on the reform of health care - Democrats prove wrong that Americans want reform health care once it has been adopted.

Yet there are people who have seen the benefits of reform. For example, the Department of Health and Human Services reports that 150,000 seniors have received free preventive care. Also up to 4 million seniors received $ 250 rebate checks last year to face great prices for prescription drugs.

Another great advantage of the reform of health care is high-risk pools for people with pre-existing conditions. Unfortunately, program enrollment was small and currents entry accounts for only 3 percent of initial projections; However, up to 12,500 Americans receive coverage through high-risk pools.

favorable parts of the reform include young adults staying on the cover of their parents until they turn 26 and the prohibition of health insurance companies to deny children with pre Conditions -existantes. The number of young adults and children who have benefited are unknown. But many health insurers have left the child alone insurance market and states have begun enrollment periods open for children to maintain stable markets.

The government also gave about 1,000 waivers to businesses, local and state governments, and unions to prevent disruption of coverage and comply with the reform.

It has been a difficult year for the reform of health care and it will only continue as more provisions and exemptions are implemented and unexpected consequences on the role.

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