Why they don "t want a health insurance mandate

8:15 PM
Why they don "t want a health insurance mandate -

handcuffs Before we forget, Happy New Year everyone! We 're here, refreshed after the holiday, and ready for a big 2010.

to start, we thought we would do a post two days on the now supported mandate health insurance when almost all Americans would be required to buy coverage if they could afford it.

Today we'll go over the reasons why legislators reasons, special interest groups and people of 'healthcare industry does not want the mandate.

both sides of the aisle are not too keen on this requirement for a term insurance. Republicans and conservative groups say the mandate is unconstitutional. There are even states that provide for the sue the federal government if the mandate is adopted.

"There is a tax on life. It is a tax on people or penalty to those who do nothing," said Attorney General William McCollum of Florida.

Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute, a right leaning think tank, agrees.

"the federal government has no power to force you to buy a private product," said Cannon.

the left has also reprimanded the mandate, reported Chicago Tribune . Jim Dean, chairman of the Liberal group Democracy for America and brother of Howard Dean, said the mandate would force some Americans to buy a product they could not afford.

another argument against the mandate says it encourages people to wait until they get sick to buy health insurance. Robert book, an economist at the Foundation supported the right heritage, said the mandate, it is less risky to be insured.

Tomorrow we will examine the arguments in favor of the mandate.

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