IRS funding health care could decrease if Republicans Win

10:41 PM
IRS funding health care could decrease if Republicans Win

noentry Although it is unlikely that the Republican commitment to repeal reform of health care will be a lot of ground, Republicans will be able to withhold funding for the reform of health care if they take over Congress.

Michael Cannon, director of health policy studies at Cato, said: "Repeal is not within the set of possible results while President Obama holds his veto pen. However, defunding strategy could throw sand in the healthcare gear and bring it to a virtual halt. "

The aim of the Republican banter deny funding seems to be focused on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The Washington Post indicates that the IRS will need between $ 5 billion to $ 10 to administer a provision of the reform of health care that provides grants to low and middle income.

If the IRS doesn "t get the funding it needs, it will postpone hiring and implementation of the provisions of the reform of health care.

The Treasury Department estimates that without funding from the IRS will not be able to give small tax credits for health insurance companies. This decision would leave small businesses with higher taxes and insurance bills.

IRS will also be responsible for the individual mandate, give fines and taxes on health insurance companies and other health care companies, and subsidies for Americans to lower and middle income .

Without adequate funding, it will be almost impossible for the IRS to catch up with all these new responsibilities.

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