HHS Speaks Out Attacking on the reform of health care

2:45 PM
HHS Speaks Out Attacking on the reform of health care -

kathleensebelius The Ministry of Health and Social Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently sent an article the Wall Street Journal for counter attacks and personal attacks on the reform of health care. Sebelius has received criticism lately for the letters it sent to health insurance companies and tactics that were used in the implementation of reforms. .

Of course, doesn "t tell the full story and can be a bit misleading, but Sebelius does not bring some good points

In the article, Kathleen Seblius said: "but what is really unacceptable about these comments are not who they 're attacking, but they" re defending. these critics seem to believe that any monitoring of the insurance industry too, and that consumers would be better in a system where they have few rights or protections "

as complicated political and that care reform health is -. consumers gain new protections and benefits Sebelius can defend the reform as much as she wants, but she will not be able to satisfy everyone or change critics readily There will always be opponents. in political legislation that passed - .. especially one that is changing dramatically industry

while Sebelius can find these attacks as "distraction", it probably should not pay attention to them. It is like a celebrity paparazzi and listening take offense.

Sebelius Sorry, but the worst is not over yet, critics are likely to worsen once the individual mandate for health insurance is effective.

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