Another battle begins in Florida Over The term individual health insurance

7:38 PM
Another battle begins in Florida Over The term individual health insurance -

florida Although the recent decision in Virginia caused a stir on the individual controversial mandate health insurance, another battle in Florida has just begun.

The judge Roger Vinson heard testimony yesterday and questions how far the reach of Congress authority if the individual mandate is constitutional. He has not made a decision or a decision on the constitutionality of the mandate, but will make its decision soon.

Counsel for the Obama administration "have argued that the uninsured are an economic decision to pay for health insurance later or transfer the cost to Americans of Medicare reports Bloomberg Vinson the judge asked the lawyers whether the government can regulate any behavior that creates an impact on the economy

Vinson said. "They can decide how much broccoli everyone should eat each week? "and continued," We "have always exercised the freedom we want to buy a product or not. "

federal judge believes there is another way for the government to expand health insurance without conflicting on freedom of choice and freedom.

The case Florida is different from the case in Virginia because it consists of over 20 attorneys general and the governors of individual states. the Virginia case held on legal grounds because it is a law that allows the state to withdraw from the mandate individual.

Finally, the case will go to the Supreme Court in the next two years. Until then, these court cases will continue to make headlines.

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