Record number of doctors running for seats in the House and Senate

9:03 PM
Record number of doctors running for seats in the House and Senate -

doctor Perhaps because of the passage of reforming health care, doctors are strengthening the plate this year for the November elections. There are currently 47 doctors who are running for a seat in the House or Senate. The influx of physician candidates is 3 times more than the usual number of physicians running for office as USA Today .

In total there are 41 Republicans and 6 Democrats, suggesting that Republicans doctors may be unhappy with the legislation passed health care.

More doctors in Congress could amend the reform of health care how is managed in the future and the future of Medicare. In a Gallup poll in March, the survey showed that 77 percent of Americans are more doctors confidence to do "the right thing" with regard to health policy that Republicans or President Barack Obama.

But doctors will be great in other areas as health care?

"physicians just have a different mindset towards problem solving. It is very good training for being a congressman, "said Larry Bucshon, a heart surgeon running for a seat in Indiana.

There are 16 resident physicians in Congress now representing 3 percent of lawmakers. One of them, Senator Tom Coburn, is a doctor and opponent of the legislation for health care recently past.

"The physician perspective was ignored during the last year and a half," said Senator Coburn.

With the number of Americans who trust doctors , Republicans may have the upper hand this election to come. Whatever the result, having more doctors in Congress will only enhance any legislation Medicare that happened.

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