American health care vs. National Model [INFOGRAPHIC]

9:28 PM
American health care vs. National Model [INFOGRAPHIC] -

worldmap There are many differences between health care in America and in countries with healthcare systems of national health. But when you ask is American with health insurance on their perception and use of health care, their answers were similar to people who live in countries with national models, including Canada, France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

This particular infographic focuses on five countries (USA, Canada, Germany, France and the United Kingdom) to show differences and similarities in the use of health care, routine examinations by gender, and perception of the adequacy of the insurance coverage.

The information on computer graphics is from a study by Deloitte Center for Health Solutions global consumers of health care.

Is infographic affect how Americans feel about their health insurance coverage in 2014? Probably not, there is still much opposition to the reform of health care and especially the individual mandate. Many people may be upset or critical with their coverage when they are required to buy it.

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American health care

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