What the President Faces In Tonight "s health care and health insurance Address to the Joint Congressional sessions

12:19 PM
What the President Faces In Tonight "s health care and health insurance Address to the Joint Congressional sessions -

Washington Monument tonight really great night for President Barack Obama, and even greater night for health insurance and reform of health care.

the following reactions discourse and the impact of messages could make or break the project of the health reform law

Already the political spinners for both parties are jockeying for position -.. softening and / or criticizing what President can or can not say tonight

so, in the spirit of trying to take a neutral view of what President Obama is against in his speech to Congress and the American people, we're going to it :.

Americans are really divided on this issue
in a recent Gallup poll, 37 percent of America advise their members of Congress to vote for the bill the possible health reform. Thirty-nine percent advises Congress not to vote for it. A relatively large number, 24 percent have no opinion.

These poll numbers show how divided we are on the reform and the importance the President provides a clear and concise message.

Many Americans are not sure what that reform could bring .
In a recent CBS News poll, over 66 percent of Americans are confused by health reform ideas debate in Congress. In addition, 60 percent say Obama has not clearly explained his plans for reform, although in fairness, the president has let it to Congress.

Again, President Obama admitted his "hands-off" approach was a mistake.

Regardless, the reform Americans perceptions are shaped by groups partisan interests rather than legislators who have the power to send this legislation. it is certainly not something that the president wanted.

midterm elections .
the President Obama knows better than his fellow party policies will be reaping the benefits of a proposed health care reform law passed or suffer big-time in the hands of defeat.

If the president wants to set the success of his presidency in the first year and keep fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill after 2010, a project of the health reform law passed is absolutely vital.

the system really needs a fixin -up .
Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum or what you think of the current debate on health care, we know all the needs of the health system a major overhaul. We still have too many people who do not have health insurance, strongly rising costs and a lot of health and a lot of waste.

t it make sense to ensure that our health care system is as effective as possible?

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