Few states face problems with Medicare at high risk pools

10:53 PM
Few states face problems with Medicare at high risk pools -

bostonlighthouse While many states have opted for the federal government to issue new high-risk pools, some states have decided to approach the pools themselves. Still, five states have struggled to understand a solution to new pools at high risk because they already offer coverage to residents of pre-existing conditions.

Vermont, Maine, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts all provide "guaranteed issue" insurance to residents by Politico . This means that health insurance companies can "t turn down residents due to pre-existing conditions. These states also have forms of community feedback, so that health insurance companies can not charge different rates according to the health, sex or any other factor.

it may seem to be little need for a high-risk pool in a state that doesn "t really need. But all these states are trying to find ways to comply with the rules established by the Ministry of Health and Human Services (HHS) to obtain the funds that were allocated to the State.

of the five states that are guaranteed issues indicates that Massachusetts has chosen to implement the HHS the high-risk pool. the people of Massachusetts were instructed to provide proof of insurance premiums that are twice the rate insurance Plan pre-existing condition and must not provide proof of being denied coverage health insurance.

the four other states have already provided benefits for people with pre-existing conditions and should not miss on financing. Hopefully the rest of these states will find a solution creative soon offer affordable health insurance to residents.

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