Does the reform premiums lower health care?

6:37 PM
Does the reform premiums lower health care? -

piggybank As politicians continue to debate the reform of health care and its benefits, the Obama administration issued a report that says the reform will save families and businesses money on health insurance costs. The proposed savings are not set in stone and only on the basis of

With the release of President Barack Obama gave a speech saying that "this law will reduce premiums" "preliminary evidence. " - A rather bold statement that premiums continue to rise.

However, the report only focuses on small businesses will receive tax credits and low-income people who will be able to apply for grants in 2014. The premiums will not actually be reduced, but financial assistance will be provided to these groups to help pay for health insurance.

On the flip side of the argument, the GOP and the health insurance plans of America (AHIP) believe that health insurance costs will actually increase because of new benefits offered by the reform.

Karen Ignagni, President and CEO of AHIP, said: "The premiums are rising because medical costs continue to climb, people younger and healthier are dropping coverage in a weak economy and the cost of new mandates benefits. Focusing only on premiums while failing to control medical costs underlying will not make coverage more affordable for individuals, families and employers. "

Unfortunately, the report by the administration Obama left on increases in premiums resulting from new benefits in the reform as free preventive care, the prohibition of lifetime and annual limits on coverage and more. Without these estimates, the report is quite unnecessary and not a substantial business in the premium reduction. However, some individuals and small businesses will have funding to pay for insurance reform to illness.

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