Vermont single payer health insurance system Passes

12:31 PM
Vermont single payer health insurance system Passes -

vermontcapitol Vermont became the first state to pass legislation that will create a care system universal health.

"We gather here today to launch the first single-payer health care system in America, to do in Vermont that has taken too long - have a health care system that is the best in the world, dealing with health care as a right, not a privilege, where health care follows the individual, is not required by an employer - it's a huge job creator, "said the Governor Peter Shumlin.

While many celebrate the achievement, there are a few obstacles still in the way. Vermont must obtain federal waivers so that the state does not have to comply with the provisions of the reform of health care. The state has yet to determine what benefits are covered by insurance single payer disease and administer the plan The Associated Press reported.

Some opponents of the law have raised other important factors such as how the new single-payer system will be paid, what happens to Vermont residents who work for companies not located in Vermont and if this de-incentive doctors to work in the state.

It will also be important to see what happens to health insurance companies not to administer the plan and how their employees will be affected.

This will be quite an experience that could determine whether America could have a health insurance system single-payer in the future.

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