White House: Increases Premium not reform health care

4:47 PM
White House: Increases Premium not reform health care -

whitehouse Yesterday, the White House took to his blog to respond to the health insurance companies proposing rate increases for the policies. The recently supported rate hikes insurers were caused by the reform and the rising costs of health care, but the White House isn "t have it all.

The blog defends the reform noting that it will only increase the health insurance premiums of 1. -2 percent But the problem with the post is that it highlights the future of reform and not changes now occurring insurers health premium increases based on the reform arrangements are implemented this month. - not in 2013.

the post indicates that premium increases will be offset by savings out consumers -of-pocket with reasons that are sometimes inadequate and irrelevant.

One reason is that the affordable care Act will be "to prevent bankruptcy." and that "contribute to medical expenses about half of the more than 500,000 personal bankruptcies in the United States in 07. "

When looking at the statistics on medical bankruptcy, an important fact is that in 07 at least 78 percent of people who have medical bankruptcy had health insurance. This clearly demonstrates the need to educate people about the difference between health insurance, disability and critical illness insurance. It is important to note that the reform will help many people offer health insurance, it will not prevent bankruptcy.

The White House continues to touch on the fact that the reform is to reduce out-pocket costs for preventive care. One problem with this logic is that when you reduce out-of-pocket costs something else has to go up - the premium. So consumers pay for health care either way.

The Obama administration must realize that there will be an increase in premiums due to the reform and rising health care costs. And with the benefit changes, there will be changes in the costs.

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