Struggle to reform health care begins at the Court

6:00 PM
Struggle to reform health care begins at the Court -

briefcase Yesterday, in Michigan, the federal government gave his first defense for health legislation in court insurance to a preliminary injunction. This may be the beginning of the court debates that could end the Supreme Court. The federal government defended the mandate of individual health insurance and tax on people who choose not to buy health insurance.

Many opponents of the legislation on health care believe that the federal government oversteps their bounds by forcing individuals to buy insurance. Opponents have cited that it restricts personal and economic freedoms of the people at the hearing by Politico .

The federal government defended the individual mandate by saying that the individual costs that no insurance "buy substantially affect interstate commerce by shifting costs to health care providers and the public. "

lawyers representing the reform responded to the attack on taxes for people who do not buy insurance and companies that do not provide insurance too. Saying, "In order to extend the insurance coverage, the Congress, among other things, adopted the tax credits for individuals and employers, and tax penalties for some employers who do not offer insurance. "

The federal government reasons also indicated why the lawsuit against the federal government will not stand in court. They argued that the federal courts usually only see the cases of people suffering actual or impending injury has not happened since the individual mandate does not start for years.

the answers provided by the federal government did not come to a surprise for opponents of reform, but could give the States hand raised in subsequent court dates.

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