Florida Legislation Providing affordable health insurance Always Idle Two years later

1:07 PM
Florida Legislation Providing affordable health insurance Always Idle Two years later -

Florida In 08, Governor Charlie Crist signed a bill passed the Florida Health Choices program. This bill was written to help Florida's small businesses find affordable health insurance to an insurance exchange disease statewide. But after two years nothing has been activated.

In fact, state officials say that the exchange may not be until at least October this year. Meanwhile, many small business owners have had to reduce benefits and employees due to the weak economy and rising health care costs.

The way the exchange work is that all small employers and employees become a large group, to spread risks more and the lowest health insurance rates, explained The Palm Beach Post .

Companies 1 to 50 employees and some municipalities, counties and school districts will have access to the insurance exchange in Florida healthy choices.

Some lawmakers blame the federal government for the delay because of pending health reform bill in Washington, DC But many residents think two years the government of Florida is dragging its feet.

In all cases, small businesses need all the help they can get and hope that this insurance exchange will benefit them when it becomes active.

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