The confrontation between Sebelius and health insurance Executives

2:08 PM
The confrontation between Sebelius and health insurance Executives -

the White House The health insurance companies have been under fire in recent weeks for an increase in individual health insurance rates. Unsurprisingly, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and President Obama react.

To discuss rate hikes, Secretary Sebelius held a meeting at the White House with leaders of Wellpoint, Aetna, Cigna, UnitedHealth Group and Health Care Service Corp. regulators assurance of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners also attended the meeting.

This is very important because of the desperate push President Obama gather the last votes to pass the reform of health insurance. Rate hikes have been one of the main arguments for Obama reform need health insurance and have added impetus to the agenda of the revision date.

Although the meeting seemed to go well, insurance executives felt that other health industry representatives were invited to the meeting, reported Wall Street Journal . Why? Because drug manufacturers, hospitals, medical device makers and other health care providers have also contributed to rising health care costs. Just try to reduce premiums does not address the main problem, say the insurance leaders.

Yet Secretary Sebelius wanted to meet the rate hikes.

Health Secretary and services asked insurance companies to publish information online so that consumers can understand the need for a rate hike. She also wanted insurers to publish explanations for administrative costs, marketing costs and real care.

On the subject of the benefits of health insurance companies, Secretary Sebelius criticized insurers for their $ 12 billion in profits last year. But insurance executives have fired back that their average profit margin was 2.2 percent last year - lower than other health industries.

While these are interesting requests by the Obama administration. After the meeting, he seemed to insurance executives were very wary of posting all their information online but considering it seems.

The meeting seemed a little calculation problem resolution more directly politically.

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