The state legislators across the country to push against the insurance mandate federal

6:12 PM
The state legislators across the country to push against the insurance mandate federal - disease

U.S. at night Last month the Virginia State Senate sent a (political) message to Washington with the approval of a committee bill to block any federal legislation that would force Americans to buy a health insurance plan.

Now, lawmakers in 35 other countries around the countries have introduced proposals to block a potential federal mandate, reported the Associated Press and ABC News .

Many of these proposals are Republicans, who were determined in their effort to kill health care and health reform entirely. But the public seems to agree with the critics of the reform, as the most recent polls showed that the majority do not support an overhaul.

As we have written previously, many state legislators are questioning the constitutionality of a federal health insurance mandate; even name their measures against the mandate of the "Freedom of choice Act health care."

However, constitutional experts believe that a warrant would be made legal - and enforceable.

"[These state proposals] are purely symbolic gestures If Congress were to pass an individual mandate, and if it is constitutional. - I think it is - the express rule under the supremacy clause is that federal law prevails, "said Michael Dorf, a Cornell University professor of constitutional law.

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